Creativity in a Crisis
Thursday April 9, 2020
When the world has been turned upside down, what steps can we take to generate new ideas?
- Tina Seelig is a best-selling author and professor of the practice at Stanford University
- Dave Morris is an in-demand improv instructor, regular at StartMIT, and top TEDx speaker
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Tina Seelig is Professor of the Practice in Stanford University’s Department of Management Science and Engineering, and is a faculty director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. She teaches courses in the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( and leads three fellowship programs in the School of Engineering that are focused on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Dr. Seelig earned her PhD in Neuroscience at Stanford Medical School, and has been a management consultant, entrepreneur, and author of 17 books, including Creativity Rules, inGenius, and What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20. She is the recipient of the Gordon Prize from the National Academy of Engineering, the Olympus Innovation Award, and the Silicon Valley Visionary Award.
Dave Morris is a speaker, teacher, and storyteller, but mostly he’s an improviser. He is the artistic director of the award-winning Paper Street Theatre Co. and has been teaching, producing, and performing improvisation around the world for over 20 years.
When Dave’s not on stage, he can be found teaching the skills of improvisation to university professors, radio hosts, business owners, or even students at the prestigious MIT. His TEDx talk The Way of Improvisation has more than 300,000 views on YouTube and is used in schools around the world to introduce students to the value of improvisation. His life’s work is teaching people how to play.
Tina Seelig
- What I Wish I Knew I Knew When I Was 20
- inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity
- Creativity Rules: Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the World
- Six Characteristics of Truly Creative People
- The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Tina’s TED talk on how to be lucky
Dave Morris
New Podcast About Improv:
TEDx Talk: “The Way of Improvisation”
Enjoy these articles on “How the Antifragile Entrepreneur Can Improve With Improv”