Kick off the school year by getting entrepreneurial!
Each September, the vibrant energy of the new school year is channeled into a celebration known as t=0.
MIT students understand the equation t=0 means “the time is now,” as a new cycle of entrepreneurial activities kicks off. We partner with departments and student groups across campus to host events and showcase the array of opportunities available to all, from first-years to grad students and postdocs.

2024 Schedule of Events
More events will be added throughout the start of the school year. Check back for an updated schedule.

Friday Sept 6, 4:00 pm
MIT delta v Demo Day
Kresge Auditorium
MIT delta v Demo Day is the biggest day of the year for entrepreneurship at MIT. Meet the student teams coming out of MIT’s premier educational accelerator who are out to change the world. Following the presentations, you can meet the teams at a networking reception under the tent in front of Kresge. Can’t make it live? Register for the global webcast.

Tuesday Sept 10, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
“Climate Picth2Match”
Trust Center, E40-160
Just like the regular Pitch2Match event – one slide + 60 seconds to pitch your company, your idea, or yourself – except this event is specifically geared to climate and sustainability-focused pitches. You can sign up to pitch or just listen with networking to follow.
Space is limited.

Wednesday Sept 11, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
“Ask an EIR!”
Trust Center, E40-163 “The Garage”
Meet the leadership team and Entrepreneurs in Residence at the Trust Center and find out how they can act as a critical resource for you as an MIT student whether you’re just curious to explore entrepreneurial opportunities at MIT or you’re ready to move forward with your startup venture or business idea. Space is limited, registration is required.
MIT students only. Space is limited.

Monday Sept 16, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Trust Center Block Party
MIT/Kendall Open Space (the outdoor space behind the Trust Center, E40)
Celebrate the possibilities that the beginning of a new school year holds and meet fellow MIT entrepreneurs.
Food, music, games, T-shirts, swag, fun, and more!
(Rain location: Inside the Trust Center, E40-160, turning the Block Party into a House Party)

Wednesday Sept 18, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
“Orbit Demo Session”
Trust Center, E40-163 “The Garage”
Orbit is the Trust Center’s online tool that allows student entrepreneurs to jump start their entrepreneurial ideas and dreams.
This session will show you how to personalize the Orbit experience as well as use the generative AI tools of the MIT Eship JetPack to turbo charge how to take your ideas and turn them into a company.
MIT students only, space is limited.

Thursday Sept 19, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Trust Center, E40-160
Entrepreneurs know it’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy. Celebrate the day that puts the ARRRR into ARRRRntrepreneur and stop by the Center for some pirate’s booty and other fun swag.

Monday Sept 23, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
“Yes You Can!” School of Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificate Ice Cream Social
Stata Center, 32-124
Learn what it takes to become an entrepreneur as a School of Engineering student. Meet current SoE certificate students and find out the steps needed to enrich your education while at MIT.
Students explore the theory, practice, and tactics of entrepreneurship, which, when combined with their primary course of study, will enable them to more effectively:
- Launch and lead new entrepreneurial organizations,
- Develop new teams and/or ventures within larger organizations, and/or
- Commercialize technological innovations and research.

Wednesday Sept 25, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
MIT Arts Startup Incubator Launch
Trust Center, Roberts Hub, E40-163
The Arts Startup Incubator supports creative entrepreneurship at the Institute, building on MIT’s legacy of students turning innovative ideas into successful businesses. Formerly known as the Creative Arts Competition, the program equips a cohort of teams with mentors, classes, and workshops to hone their products, business models, and pitches and compete for a $15,000 prize to launch.
Join us for the launch of this new program for creative entrepreneurs!

Tuesday October 1, 5:00 – 7:00pm
Pitch2Match: Social Impact
Room 3-133
Pitch2Match is your chance to meet co-founders or colleagues with similar visions and interests. Pitch your venture, your idea, or yourself in 60 seconds with one slide. Networking and food follows the pitches.
Limited slots to pitch so sign up early, or just come and listen. Presented with the PKG Public Service Center.

Thursday October 10, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Stata Center, 32-123
Pitch2Match is your chance to meet co-founders or colleagues with similar visions and interests. Pitch your venture, your idea, or yourself in 60 seconds with one slide. Networking and food follows the pitches.
Limited slots to pitch so sign up early, or just come and listen.