
Perch: A Camera/Tablet Combo Making Gains for College Athletes Everywhere

from VentureFizz by Colin W. Barry Collegiate athletes have a lot on their plates, especially when taking into account their school work, practice time, and strength training in order to keep themselves fit for playing. Sometimes, in the heat of it all, accidents can happen in the school’s fitness center. ...

2017-09-20T17:12:49+00:00September 20th, 2017|

The Answer to Public Health Crises Might Be in the Sewer

by Jamie Ducharme, Boston Magazine Newsha Ghaeli and Mariana Matus’ big idea doesn’t exactly sound glamorous—but it might just revolutionize the way we handle public health issues. Ghaeli, an MIT research fellow, and Matus, an MIT Ph.D. candidate, are the founders of Biobot Analytics, a startup that seeks to bring cities ...

2017-09-14T10:56:56+00:00September 14th, 2017|

Entrepreneurs for Social Impact – MIT delta v Demo Day 2017 and Six Standout Startups

By Colin W. Barry, VentureFIzz “If you’re looking for another dating app, you won’t find it here,” Bill Aulet, the Managing Director of MIT’s Martin Trust Center, joked. “We wanted our entrepreneurs to create companies with a social purpose.” On September 9, the Kresge Auditorium at MIT was the stage ...

2017-09-14T10:54:12+00:00September 14th, 2017|

Bill Aulet: Amazon’s Greatest Beachhead Market Strategy Ever

Full article originally appeared in Entrepreneur magazine   Jeff Bezos recently briefly overtook Bill Gates to become the richest man in America. It’s a reminder, much like Amazon’s most recent $13.7-billion acquisition of Whole Foods, of the remarkable power of the company that Bezos has created and the straightforward strategy he used to ...

2017-08-17T09:54:51+00:00August 17th, 2017|
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